Thursday, November 23, 2006

eFfeCtS ThEoRy

Definitinon in 5 words:

"How the media manipulates audiences"
"Media forcing ideologies upon audiences"

Media effects theory is the sociological or media studies theory that exposure to representation of violene in any various media causes increased agression or violence in the audience or consumer.

It appears in "folk wisdom" and newspaper editorials as the claim the X or Y media product must be banned in order to avoid the violence is depicts being acted out in society preferbly young people.

Bobo Doll

A classic study in 1961 expose two groups of nursery children to a new play area, containing toys which they were unfamiliar with. one was a 3 foot inflatable Bobo Clown with a weighted base. The children non agressively played ignoring the doll.
In one of the sets an adult "acting" played with the doll agressively stricking the nose and head area, with a toy mallet adressing it with pharases such as "punch him in the nose!" They observed this and discovered later that the children's behaviour changed, by agressively playing with the toys immitating the adult's moves.


- In the 20th century agressive media attention and negative depitions of trails revolving around celebrities such as Michael Jackson. Commericials and adverts prove that the media influences people's behaviour.These have influenced the general public's opinions, before the trails even started. The media's role influences people's thoughts and predictions. However these initails do point out that while the media have effect on people's behaviour this isn't neccesarily the case.

- Critics of the media affects theory point out that many copycat murderers, suicides and other violent acts nearly happen in abnormal upbringings. They were laised in a violent, emotionally neglected of agressive environment, which influenced their behaviour more rather than watching ceratain programmes, film or listening to certain music.

The Frankfurt School
-Concerned wit the impact of the rise of the media industries on society
-Under the heading of capatlism, society controls almost everything, where even religion and culture is processed through the mass media.
- The mass audience is seen as a passive thing, not a group of active consumers.
- Fashion-All we are going is buying an artistic vision which someone else hs commodified as something good to buy.
- Watching Tv is a conditioning.

Hypodermic needle model
-This is simply the effects that the media has on the audience. Propaganda films such as Triumph of the the Will.
- This model owes much to the supposed power of the mass media - to inject the passive audiences with ideologies.


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