Thursday, March 15, 2007

Essay - Revolution

Using the comparison of these two texts as your starting point - "explore the media issue and debates in which they raise"

Two texts that will be compared are "The revolution will not be televised" by Gil Scot Heron and "Your revolution" by DJ Vadim feat Sarah Jone.

Both texts raise strong points about the black culture towards audiences, where they both use colliquol language to put their point across. Firstly, "The revolution will not be televised" (text 1), was made in the 1970's aimed towards black audience, where he lets them know how they are protrayed in the people; "slide that colour tv into a stolen ambulnce", whereas the white people were protrayed as wealthy. Within this text we are able to suggest the hegemonic views that are put on them; class division following marx's theory of the bourgesie andthe proliterat.

Your revolution by DJ Vadim feat Sarah Jons (text 2) on the other hand shows the feminist views that she has within society and the difference between males and females, following the theory of Laura Mulvey "the essay on Visual pleasures 1974" "Your revolution will not happen between these thighs", suggests that by having sex will not get them anywhere but by having a good job will enble them to be presented as positive models in society.

Sarah Jones alsp expresses her views on the partriarchal and misognistic views that people have against women, "you will not find me in the back seat of a jeep", showing that women are passive and objectified for their "bootiesize" etc.

Both these texts are argusing/rapping for the appressed groups of people, such as black and how they are treated badly within society linking to civi rights in the 1970's along with the second wave for women.

At the end of text 1 Gill Scott Heron changes the word, will not to will put challenging the white society along with the hegemonic views. "The revolution will be no rurun brothers".


Blogger Gurveer said...

1) W.C.
A very basic understanding of the history on the mistreatment of black people. More can be said in terms of socially; blacks segregated from white, political; Malcom X & Martin Luther King.

2) Critical Autonomy
Met standard requirement, however should have expanded on certain points, e.g. the concept behind hegemony, and therefore how it can be further applied to the text. Other theorirs could been addressed. Excellent linking in MED 4 theorists, i.e. Mulvey.

Vague in comparisson, not a lot of points made so hardly any comparissons shown between the two texts.

4)Structure & Writing
Needs a vast improvement. Many spelling and gramatical errors. Must proof read work.

Overall Sawan a good attempt, however needs much improvement. It looks a little rushed and I feel that if you had spent longer, your potential and ability would have been evident. Try planning before hand for next time.

11:01 PM  

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